Having trouble sleeping?

Are Old Wives’ Tales actually true? If you’re reading this, you’re probably one of the people who are having trouble sleeping at night. You might have tried different remedies like counting sheep or drinking warm milk, and read various articles to get tips for a better sleep. To get rid of all the tossing and turning in bed, there are […]

When is Jealousy “Healthy?”

Are you feeling unimportant to your partner? Do you see yourself insignificant and jealous? They say jealousy is a disease. But I say jealousy is a natural part of human life. We all feel jealous at some point in our relationship, it’s very common. What’s not usual is either feeling too jealous or having not a bit of it. I’m […]

22 Signs He’s Not Ready for Marriage

Marriage is every woman’s dream, and who tells you otherwise is most probably hiding the truth. At some point, we all dream of marrying the man of our dreams or the right man for a family, and raise a family of ours. But not all men want to get married (besides a small ratio of women). Some men are either […]

How to Get Over a Breakup

Getting over a breakup? You may think you’ll never make it, but you will. Loosing a partner who’s also your friend and confident after being together for a while is hard to generate. You feel as if it’s the end of your happy days, and you wonder how will your life be without them. Breakups can be heavy to deal […]


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