Happy Holidays
Extremely Dumb Things to Avoid on Valentine’s Day

Extremely Dumb Things to Avoid on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner.

Usually, men tend to forget about Valentine’s day. Well let me tell you something and take my advice for it: your lady is waiting for her surprise to feel loved, so don’t forget to tell her how special she is. Don’t risk your relationship and act as if Valentine is a commercial day (that’s what my husband believes). This is no excuse! Do you want to jeopardize your relationship? Don’t ignore this day… yes, to that extent it’s important for us women.

Ladies and gents, no matter how long you’ve been with your partner, someone’s bae or married, and no matter how complicated your relationship may be, don’t end up with a bad Valentine. After planning for this special day, whether you believe in it or not, don’t end up in a mess.

Are you single or in a relationship? In both cases, hold your grips and stay away from these dumb things you might fall into:

1- Watch a boring movie:

Don’t underestimate the effect of movies on the ambience. If you watch a boring movie, you will end up in a bad mood. But if you love a romantic and sensual one, you will be flying at the end of the night.

2- Don’t complicate your plans:

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It’s interesting to have a special program for Valentine’s day. But that doesn’t mean hopping from one place to another in one night or having a complicated dinner which both of you will not enjoy. Be simple. Plan your night according to what you or your partner like.

3- Forget about gift cards:

Whether it’s a Valentine, birthday or Christmas gift, don’t ever think of getting her a gift card. She appreciates the time you spend looking for a gift specifically for her. This is all she wants … to feel special, unless she’s after the green.

4- Talk to your ex:

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Feeling wrecked at home with no Valentine date? Don’t you even think about texting your ex. Your heart will betray you and push you to text them… DON’T. You’ll end up regretting it and cursing this day forever.

5- Sending incognito flowers or gifts:

If you like someone, don’t be scared to write your name. People rarely appreciate spending their evening guessing the sender of their gift or flowers.

6- Don’t go on a first date, or a blind date:

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It’s better if you don’t choose Valentine’s day to go on your first date. This day should be spent with someone you love. You’ll understand the reason in time.

7- Talk about your past relationships:

Who cares if your ex took you on a cruise trip for Valentine, or if he got you a diamond bracelet. Don’t frustrate your date. You will be telling them: I’m still hung on my ex and you’re just a rebound. That’s cheeky, don’t you think?

8- Don’t propose:

Are you that cringe? I mean ok, Valentine IS the celebration of love, but you have 364 days to propose. Why choose this day? It’s a cliché, do you like it? Let your special day be different from this special “love” day.

9- Don’t break up with your partner:

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Seriously? I mean on Valentine’s day? why? are you a masochist? If you don’t want to spend Valentine with them, at least plan to break up a while before 14 February, not on the same day! And if you can’t afford to take her out or get her a gift, that doesn’t give you the right to break up with her on that day!

10- Don’t stay alone:

Are you single? Don’t fall into the trap of depression. “All by myself” is not a must for single people on Valentine. Invite some of your single friends over a glass of wine and a nice movie, or go out and get wasted… Exciting!

11- Don’t get wasted:

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Getting tipsy with your bae or partner is sexy. You do things you don’t dare to do when you’re sober. But be careful, tipsy is not wasted. The hidden weirdo in you might ruin your special night. In addition, if you’re feeling nervous, don’t drink heavily. You might end up leaving a bad impression by crying, swearing, or talking about your dark secrets.

12- Don’t bring your friend:

Really? a third wheel on Valentine? Why? Ok, you’re worried about your friend, but that does not give you the right to ruin your partner’s night just because your friend can’t stay alone. No and a big NO!

13- Post on social media:

Please, and please, don’t think you’ll make people jealous if you post on social media every step you take on Valentine’s day or show off with your special gift. Why would you like that? First, it’s not healthy for both of you, and second, no one needs to know about your private life. A cute picture of you two later that night would be nice, this is the best you can post if you’re a social media addict.

14- No “love statements” posts:

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I wonder why couples post on their social media pages love statements on Valentine’s day when they can say it live. I’m sure they are sitting right next to each other when they post it. Wait, and they reply back, I mean that’s hilarious! Isn’t it better to say it face to face without advertising it?

15- Don’t Cry:

If your date surprised you with a special gift and took you to an exceptional place, don’t show your happy tears in public. Don’t you think your partner will be a little ashamed?

16- Don’t go on a rebound or pity date:

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Most of us consider Valentine a celebration of love, so it’s a special day for lovers. So going out with someone because you feel sorry for them, or because you need to get back at someone, or even because you just ended up a long relationship and don’t want to stay alone that night, then forget it.

17- Don’t brag about it:

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Ok, you’ve got a date and you are a special Valentine to someone, good for you. We are really happy for you. But please, don’t brag about it in front of your single friends, or even your married friends (with kids) who can’t go out for some reason.

18- Don’t be selfish:

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If you don’t believe in Valentine, and some of us don’t, respect others’ opinion. You’re right, Valentine’s day IS a commercial event, flowers are triple their price, gifts are more expensive, true. But if your partner loves to celebrate it (we all need to feel special at some point), then just go with it.

19- Don’t make big promises:

In such occasions, when love is in the air and you’re overwhelmed, deep and strong words come out, and you make promises which you can’t fulfill when Valentine magic is gone. Don’t get carried away. Stay clear, avoid lying.

20- Stay away from smelly foods:

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We all know what comes after Valentine’s dinner. You’re not wearing your red/black lingerie (ladies) and your brand new boxers (men) for nothing. Kissing is inevitable, so stay fresh. You know how smells affect the mood. You like garlic? You have a whole year minus that day to eat some.

Even if your gift isn’t ready on time for this special day, don’t postpone Valentine’s day. If it’s a cruise or a personalized gift, you can celebrate in any other simple way just to make the night special, and the good stuff will follow.

Primarily, do NOT forget Valentine’s day if it means to your partner. After all, what is love but pleasing your partner and acting as a couple, so don’t just think of yourself. Ow, and one last thing: ALWAYS DITCH YOUR PHONE on Valentine’s day and take good care of your partner.

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