Few decades ago, online dating was considered a taboo in certain areas of the world. But due to the numerous available dating apps and matchmaking services, online dating has become the “trend”. Ladies and Gentlemen, don’t be surprised, you are not the only people interested in online dating. But there are certainly do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.
Nobody said it’s as easy as it looks. So if you are a newbie to online dating, here are some clues to what you should and should not do in order to avoid falling into the trap.
Be honest in your profile
Why lie about your profile if you are serious about meeting in person? At least you won’t have any problem when it’s time to meet.
Use a nice profile picture
Use a cheerful picture to attract the attention of potential candidates. No one likes a drake face.

007 techniques
Thanks to social media, you can now widen your research by surfing their social media, their social standing through their circle of friends, and their way of thinking through their posts.

Use a simple language technique
Using a complex kind of talking makes it more difficult for daters to understand you.
Stay alert
People online look stonking… wake up! it’s definitely too good to be true. I’m sure there are good people out there, but stay realistic.
Move to phone calls
Do you want a delaytionship or a relationship? We all know messaging is easier, but you’d better give them a call; there might be a third party helping your online admirer in writing the messages.

Play it safe
It’s good to stay on the safe side. Take things slowly. Meet in public places.
Specify your interests
Be specific, don’t generalize. Don’t just write: “I love food”. Specify what kind of food your like. Showing your passion and interests leads to everlasting impressions.
Stay away from scams
Simple! If someone asks you to transfer money online when you’re trying to get yourself a date, humbly block them.
Set up your limits
Don’t get too excited about his looks if he is a macho. I know I know! Going out with a good looking guy is what first comes to your mind. Bumping into your friends when you are in the company of a gorgeous and sexy lady is a dream. Put limits to yourself in order not to fall into just appearances.

Don’t insult people
If the profile is not up to your expectations, you can simply reject the invitation. Don’t go around insulting people; no need to make fun of them if they are not bodacious or they have a french nose.
A woman is a woman
Guys, a woman is referred to as a woman or a lady, not a girl!
Don’t talk nonsense
We all know about dinosaurs. No need to remind us of the old ages.
Don’t talk about your ex … or your kids
Are you over your ex or what? If you talk about him/her, then give up online dating until you’re over them. If your date is single, try not to bore them with your kids’ stories.
Skip the marriage dream talk
Ladies, hold your talks and keep your dreams about marriage to YOU. Really? you want to talk about marriage and kids before getting to know him better?
Don’t give your address right away
As mentioned in the Do’s, it’s better to meet in public places. Ladies, don’t put your trust in someone you hardly know. He might be a pervert.
If your online date goes in “a fart in a fun factory“, you’d better not shower them with your instant messages. It is obvious that there was no spark between you two. There are many options on the table, there’s a large list on the dating website. Back to point Zero, but that’s fine. Don’t give up!
Don’t get too personal
Don’t reveal personal information about yourself in online dating. Take more time to get to know the person. Don’t turn your chats into therapy sessions.
Don’t be text soaked
Staying online for a long time is not healthy for online dating. This shows how insecure and on the fence the two of you are if one does not ask the other to meet in person.
Leave your blind trust aside
You know what I mean!
Don’t build castles in the cloud
It’s nice to dream, but online dating might not be the source of fairy tale romantic dreams. I’m not saying there’s no chance to live one through online dating, but the chances are rare.
Pictures can be fictures
Don’t choose your online date based on just his picture.
Don’t keep your options open
If you find a suitable online date, stop looking. You will get distracted from the one person you admired and might end up with no one.
Don’t rush things
Take your time before giving yourself to your online date. Ever heard of the third-date rule?
Don’t pretend to be someone else
Be yourself. If you are looking for the perfect one, start asking yourself the question: Am I perfect?
And Guys:
- Don’t talk about your love adventures. Women don’t like to hear much about that. Most prefer to be with someone with less baggage, it makes them feel more special and not just a number.

- Choose the right time to ask your online date to meet. She will get bored if it took you so long to ask for a first meeting.
- Once you find your online date, don’t mention that you are just having fun and not looking for a serious relationship. Most ladies who are open for online dating seek more than just a one night stand. Believe me, one night stands for ladies are easy to get and don’t require a dating app.
Keep in mind, you have no idea who is the person you are meeting online. Even though you are dealing with well-known dating apps, that does not mean that the person is tested for his/her honesty. Back check the person in all cases before giving them your full trust.
If he looks like Bratt Pitt in his profile picture but turns out to be like Matt Smith, just remember that you have the chance to evaluate each other on the first date and make sure that their preferences mentioned on their profile are genuine.
Do I believe in online dating?
Several couples I know who met through online apps are now happily married. So what I can tell you is GO FOR IT. You have nothing to lose as long as you do it cleverly.
Has any of you have a bad experience with online dating?